Included in the Qualifi Starter Pack:
- Pre course interview form
- Registration form
- Student Handbook
- Offer Letter
- Student Contract
- Declaration of Authenticity
- Declaration of conflict of interest
- Office Risk assessment
- IQA plan for Level 5 and 7 in Aesthetic Practice
- Written guidance workbooks for Level 5 and 7 in Aesthetic Practice
- CPD template
- Fridge Log
- Medicine Management Log
- Sample of Scheme work Level 5
- Sample of Scheme work Level 7
Policies and Procedures:
- IQA sampling policy
- Assessment Guidance
- Reasonable Adjustment policy
- Student Disciplinary procedure
- Adverse medicine policy
- Complaints and appeals policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Conflict of Interest policy
- Data Protection policy
- Equality and diversity policy
- Malpractice and maladministration policy
- Plagiarism, cheating and collusion policy
- Medicine management policy
- Public concern at work policy
- Radicalisation policy
- Safeguarding policy
- Induction PowerPoint for Level 5
- Induction PowerPoint for Level 7
- Level 5 Theory PowerPoints:
- Legal and Regulations
- Anatomy and physiology of the ageing face
- Working collaboratively with healthcare professionals
- Clinical standards
- Micro needling and chemical peels
- Level 7 Theory PowerPoints:
- Facial Consultation for Aesthetic Practice
- Psychology of Facial Aesthetics
- Botulinum Toxin injections to the face and neck
- Temporary and reversible dermal fillers to the face and neck
- Management of complications and medicals emergencies.